
Full disclosure: these updates are from more than a week. I didn’t have data to post. My bad.
-Nailed a kid in the head with a soccer ball. He took it like a champ and didn’t cry at all! Unfortunately I can’t say that was the first time I’ve done that. Six year olds, beware!
-Saw lightning bugs! I’ve been here a year but this was the first time. One night I saw three, another two. Haven’t figured out what’s their season here/why I’ve randomly seen so few but it lights my heart up!
-Went on a school “field trip” to a field above town to celebrate the first day of spring and the day of youth. I had brought my own lunch but kids still shared their potatoes, mandarins, bananas, crackers, lollipops and guinea pig with me. The generosity continues to stupefy me as I have done nothing to deserve this and usually have nothing to give in return. Fruit and meat are like special treats so it amazes me even more that the kids are willing to give me some. I simply hope that during my time here I can adopt the cultural value of sharing.

-Had cake for the second time in site since I arrived! It was delicious. You know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

-When asked who their hero was, the high school kids didn’t know what a hero meant. This shocked me.
-Drank one liter of chocolate milk in one sitting. Hey, I didn’t have any boiled water!
-There was thankfully & finally a rabies vaccine campaign for dogs. The vaccinate dones got blue plastic collars and now I can’t help but thinking that every dog in my community looks like Scooby Doo.
-We had the first hail of the season. It’s pretty common here and about the size of capers.
Well, folks. That’s my life so far.

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